If Google, tata supplied lazy greedy slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc wanted to become a real online expert she should have spent her time and money online, opened her own paypal account legally and linked it to her own bank account, got orders .
Instead like goan gsb fraud diploma holder R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, naina,and others she preferred to collaborate with the PIMP FRAUD LIAR tata, google,ntro employees who supplied her to fraud NTRO employees like puneet , who were trading SEX FOR POWER AND MONEY.
These ntro employees shamelessly abused their powers and falsely claimed that their favorite goan sex worker owned the bank account of the google competitor so that the sex worker could get a monthly R&AW salary. The PROSTITUTE pampering ntro employees led by her sugar daddies j srinivasan, puneet allegedly told google, tata favorite panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina that by repeating lies for years, she would automatically own the bank account of the google competitor, when legally the powerful fraud NTRO employees were committing a FINANCIAL BANKING FRAUD on the google competitor.
Pampered and protected by her powerful fraud LOVERS, SUGAR DADDIES, PIMPS in google,tata, the arrogant lazy greedy bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina thinks that it is her right to falsely claim ownership of any bank account, especially that of the google competitor.
When the google competitor will withdraw money from the bank account linked to the paypal account the sex worker R&AW employee sunaina and her associates become upset and vandalize the property of the google competitor. The latest vandalization took place on 9 and 10 January 2018, in Panaji, Goa. The google competitor had ordered some orchid plants in September 2017 online through Instamojo and after a lot of watering the plants had got a new shoot each
On 9 January 2018 at around 8.15 am both the plants had shoots as the google competitor watered both of them, However on 10 January 2018, when the google competitor entered the house, she found that both the shoots from the orchid plants had been systematically removed
It is extremely unlikely that some animal ate the shoots because the other leaves and shoots of the orchid remained untouched.
The new orchid shoots were deliberately destroyed, so that the plant did not get new orchid flowers
This clearly indicates the high levels of hatred which Google, tata supplied lazy greedy slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan and her associates have for the google competitor that they are entering the house, and breaking off the orchid shoots so that the google competitor is denied the little happiness that these flowers could bring.
When Google, tata supplied lazy greedy slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan hates the google competitor so much that she is destroying the orchid shoots intentionally after trespassing into the house, can the NTRo, raw, cbi employees explain why the google competitor should tolerate their slander, defamation,exploitation
How is killing a orchid plant, a matter of national security can the indian government, NTRO, R&AW explain in an open debate?